Phew! V5 Digital has turned 1, and we are taking the digital world by storm. We have made use of every opportunity to showcase what we’re all about, including our engaging birthday competition. First things first, before we explain how the competition was conducted, we’d like to congratulate our birthday competition winners:

Congratulations to the following winners:
Amazon Echo Dot Speaker - Kristine Haidula
Do Digital Social Media Course - Shekutaamba Nepembe
V5 Digital AF Cap - Andre Le Roux
V5 Digital AF Cap - Lezander Davids
V5 Digital AF Cap - Christella Horn
V5 Digital AF Cap - Masumi Govindan
V5 Digital AF Cap - Paul Nakashololo
V5 Digital AF Cap - Kredula Amadhila
V5 Digital AF Cap - Elizabeth Ndiyanapo Iipinge
V5 Digital AF Cap - Damian Sheende
V5 Digital AF Cap - Josaphat Ekondo n Aipinge
V5 Digital AF Cap - Orasia Penehafo Shimuningeni
V5 Digital AF Hoodie - Jackie Kaela
V5 Digital AF Hoodie - Frieda Ipinge
V5 Digital AF Hoodie - Lossert Shatumbu
V5 Digital AF Hoodie - Gerhard Kuutondonkwa
V5 Digital AF Hoodie - Silke Kuhn
What did you have to do in order to win?
Well, we ran an omni-channel competition, and we were more than impressed by the number of people who participated in the competition – especially because we are still a young company.
You’re probably wondering why we decided to do an omni-channel, and the reason for this is simple: V5 Digital is not only here to be the best in the digital world, but to also teach you to be the best digital version you can be.

We ran our campaign across four social media platforms (Facebook using our AI-powered survey bot) as well as via personalized email marketing, and through our Rocketseed dynamic email signatures. By making use of these various channels, participants were provided with a completely seamless and integrated experience from their first touch-point to the last.
How did marketing automation play a role in making our birthday campaign a success?
SharpSpring, a marketing automation tool, enabled us to automate and facilitate follow up emails and responses with each and every individual who participated in our competition (whom had slightly different consumer journeys, depending on whether they were an existing member of our CRM database). SharpSpring made it possible for us to personalize each email by using dynamic content (the content changes were based on user signals that include in-session behavior, user data, and user-characteristics) – this is a great tool for any company to make use of. By gathering this data marketers can pinpoint their target market as well as re-target these clients on a more personal and effective manner.
If you would like to know more feel free to contact us.
If you weren’t one of the lucky winners this time, keep an eye out for our Christmas Competition. After all, 'tis the season to be giving.
Yours Digitally
V5 Digital